Rejecting Left-Wing Framing

There seems to be a rather persistent misunderstanding of the rationale behind rejecting Leftist framing among conservatives. It is a deep-rooted confusion that would greatly benefit from a more rational discourse. After all, the goal of the Right-wing movement…

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Rejecting Left-Wing Framing

Rules For The Christian Right

In 2018, evangelicals in the reformed world decided it was finally time to slow down the social justice movement. Dubbed the “Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel,” several well-known theologians found their signatures on a document meant to…

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Rules For The Christian Right

The Insufficiency of Race Realism

It has been more than four years since the death of George Floyd, yet the Christian discourse on race has only managed to devolve. Progressives, of course, never stopped their rants about racism. In the conservative world, the mere…

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The Insufficiency of Race Realism

Towards a Christian Understanding of Religious Liberty

As far as metrics are concerned, quantifying Religious Liberty is a nearly impossible task. The current methods of appraising persecution have proven themselves to be woefully inadequate, often confusing democracy itself with the true object of Christian martyrdom. Even…

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Towards a Christian Understanding of Religious Liberty

Moral Equivalence: The Ethics Of Truthtelling

Analogies have many uses. Done properly, they provide insights into complicated subjects, making it easier to relate to an analogous scenario. But if done poorly, a tortured analogy will undermine a listener’s understanding, resulting in a worse interpretation than…

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Moral Equivalence: The Ethics Of Truthtelling

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The Admin

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As a continuation of the Protestant political tradition, this site is for dissidents. Each article, reviewed by the Admin before publication, is intended to spread reformed political thought and further Right-wing discussion. We welcome anonymous contributers, and are excited to see what you write.

Latest News:

Suspect accused of destroying Satanic display at Iowa Capitol charged with hate crime

Now, Polk County prosecutors have accused Cassidy of a more serious offense. A charging document made public Tuesday charges him…

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Nashville Jury Finds 6 Pro-Life Activists Guilty of Violating FACE Act

They were charged with felony violation of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrance (FACE) Act, and conspiracy to violate…

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Four Canadian churches BURNED just before Christmas

Four churches across Alberta have been burned over the past few weeks, with the latest incident taking place just days…

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Christian scholar sues Bible college after being fired over social media post on homosexuality

“A Christian theologian has filed a lawsuit against a Methodist Bible university claiming the school discriminated against him after he…

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Around 1.5 billion deaths in the last 50 years, abortion accounts for about 42% of the yearly death total for ALL ages. Planned Parenthood makes over $1 billion a year in income. Horrific doesn’t even come close to describing this.


If you are sure that God doesn’t exist, be sure that your opinion matters.

Book Reviews

Good or bad, these are book reviews. Words have meanings, and sometimes you need more words than the words in the book.

Carton's Corner

For the best of Sydney, pull up a chair. Advice is free to those who are willing to listen.

Christian Life

“Believers are also trained in obedience by means of the cross. For thus they are taught to live according to God’s will rather than their own. If everything went according to their own plans, they would never know what it means to follow God.”
-John Calvin


Sometimes the Bible tells me so. Sometimes the Bible tells me no.


Sometimes, a government can be anything BUT civil.
“Christianity and democracy are inevitably enemies.” — RJ Rushdoony


“Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.” -Romans 1:26-27


U.S. President Harry Truman was the first world leader to officially recognize Israel as a legitimate Jewish state on May 14, 1948, only eleven minutes after its creation.


The distinction between a leader and a follower is tiring. The distinction between a leader and his enemies is far more epic


Liberalism – one of the few ideologies known to also be a cancer. Tolerating others is no longer enough.


“You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say.” -Martin Luther


Marriage; a word with an actual, biblical definition, yet that definition gets completely ignored by sodomites.

Modern Medicine

Should you lock down your church? Does vaccination = sanctification? What is the biblical approach to gender dysphoria? Ask modern medicine, and you shall receive hell.


“Christian nationalism is a totality of national action, consisting of civil laws and social customs, conducted by a Christian nation as a Christian nation, in order to procure for itself both earthly and heavenly good in Christ.” — Stephen Wolfe, The Case For Christian Nationalism


The Presbyterian Church of America. Not to be confused with the ultra-liberal PCUSA.


The nice thing about race is that everybody is a part of one. Not everyone seems to be running it though…

Right-Wing Dissident

Opposing an authoritarian state is not an easy job. Be on the right side of history.


The Southern Baptist Convention. The world’s largest baptist denomination.

Sexual Abuse

Did you know that denying someone access to birth control could be considered a form of sexual abuse? Sane Christians definitely need to speak up on this subject.

The Church

The church. Visible? Invisible?


“The position which has come to be labeled ‘theonomy’ today thus holds that the word of the Lord is the sole, supreme, and unchallengeable standard for the actions and attitudes of all men in all areas of life.” — Greg Bahnsen


Transgenderism: the inescapable link between violence, porn, and hatred of natural law.


“Though defensive violence will always be ‘a sad necessity’ in the eyes of men of principle, it would be still more unfortunate if wrongdoers should dominate just men.” – St. Augustine


My personal experience doesn’t tell me how to be a woman, but at least I know what one is.