Why isn’t common sense common? It is a simple question but one that provokes a plethora of answers. Some argue that a lack of shared experience produces this phenomenon and that proper education could get us all on the same page again. Theology-minded individuals may blame the curse of sin, along with all its […]
In 1978, the first baby conceived by IVF was born. Nowadays, about 1-3% of all births in the US rely on this technology for conception. But after 40+ years of living with this technology, it seems as if Christians still don’t really know what to make of it. Denominational statements on the subject are […]
Of all the frustrating trends in evangelical discourse, this latest attempt to redefine Christian political engagement has been one of the worst. Coined the “woke right,” this newly-appropriated label actually functions as a paradox. This new trend claims that “woke” no longer strictly applies to those who advocate for social justice. Now, they claim […]
Human autonomy is often characterized by the ability to choose. All the various choices and decisions of human behavior can sometimes be generalized, but you will inevitably come across outliers in your dataset — the people who don’t fit the mold. With the rise of bureaucracy, outliers become more and more problematic. Each system […]
For shorter books, it is often easier to read the entire thing through than it is to comment on it. This book was no different. After I read Choose Better: Five Biblical Models For Making Ethical Decisions, I found myself spending more time writing this article than I did reading the book. As a […]
Francisco Franco, like every other dictator, is a controversial figure. Some time ago, as he came up in conversation, it occurred to me that I didn’t know much about the man. Charles Haywood’s article, On Franco, soon came to my attention, which I read with great interest. At the end of it, he asked […]
As a continuation of the Protestant political tradition, this site is for dissidents. Each article, reviewed by the Admin before publication, is intended to spread reformed political thought and further Right-wing discussion. We welcome anonymous contributers, and are excited to see what you write.