Browsing: Christian Life

“Believers are also trained in obedience by means of the cross. For thus they are taught to live according to God’s will rather than their own. If everything went according to their own plans, they would never know what it means to follow God.” -John Calvin

  • Suffering And Judgement Among The Nations

  • 02/02/2025

Every day, we engage with suffering. It’s often described as “a fact of life” and, at other times, viewed as a “means to an end.” Philosophers throughout history have wondered if this pain is merely an indelible mark on our existence, while others argue that it is the forge by which our virtue is shaped, […]

  • Towards a Christian Understanding of Religious Liberty

  • 10/14/2024

As far as metrics are concerned, quantifying Religious Liberty is a nearly impossible task. The current methods of appraising persecution have proven themselves to be woefully inadequate, often confusing democracy itself with the true object of Christian martyrdom. Even the act of defining Religious Liberty is a complicated undertaking. For starters, it is impossible to […]

  • Musings on the Dilemma of Testimonies

  • 05/29/2023

Traditions are outward expressions of worldview and are vital to preserving culture and civilization. It is not a stretch to say that without them, there are no roots; no moor anchoring us to our fundamental beliefs. In short, there is no established core, and we can shape (in the case of our faith) Christianity into […]

  • The Unconscionable Life

  • 05/16/2023

Elijah woke from his slumber, his morning alarm ringing in his ears. It was Wednesday morning, and the man briefly contemplated the cost of calling off work today before deciding to rise out of bed. His family needed him, after all. Elijah reached out to the nightstand and turned the alarm off on his iPhone. […]

  • Understanding God When You Are Feeling Down

  • 03/31/2023

One of the most prevalent issues facing the Church is the seeming insistence on forming God into what we want Him to be instead of how He has declared Himself to be. Every person on earth has days when they are feeling down. Perhaps we feel our shortcomings from God’s glory especially strong that day, […]

  • In Search of Tenderheartedness

  • 02/27/2023

The understanding of words is the beginning of understanding what they mean, and definitions have been going through an upheaval these past few years. Inevitably the changing definitions leads to a changing society. In the case of sexuality, what is gender? In the case of abortion, what is life? Or, in the case of Holiness, […]

  • Keller’s 5 Distinctions Of The Early Church

  • 11/22/2022

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” A quote that never seems to go away, this iconic line is known almost universally, yet it seems as if history continues to repeat itself. Despite the near-universal acknowledgment of history as a guiding force for the present, the same inevitable issues arise, plaguing […]

  • The Importance of Suffering

  • 10/25/2022

It is common today to hear things like “do what feels right”, or to promote comfort in all forms at all cost – think safe spaces. While there is a time and place for the latter (consider a home where you are able to return to relax and recoup), it should not always be the […]

  • The Most Damnable Idolatry

  • 10/06/2022

As a worldview that claims to propagate justice and mercy, the socially liberal Christian seeks to rectify grievances by applying the only standard they can comprehend: do unto others as you would have done unto you.

  • State of Theology 2022

  • 09/20/2022

In case you were wondering, 56% of self-identified evangelicals believe any religion is acceptable. This pluralistic message should be fairly self-evident, but having the numbers may be helpful. If you read the article, you may find some other interesting statistics. 42% of evangelicals believe gender identity is a matter of choice, and 65% of evangelicals […]

  • Christian Nationalism: [Review]

  • 09/10/2022

If you are unfamiliar with Andrew Torba, you will likely not understand some elements of this book. The first google search result for “Andrew Torba” gives you this; an article from the Jewsish Anti-Defamation League accusing Torba of rampant anti-semitism, misinformation, right-wing extremism, and hateful dispositions to minorities. While there are some elements of the […]

  • Hospitable Evangelism

  • 09/05/2022

Perhaps one of the most lamentable things about the church today is the state of evangelism. The steady decline of Christianity in the West is very noticeable as less and less people identify as Christians. This is a point easily proven to most people with just anecdotal evidence, but statistics also validate these claims. A […]

  • In The World, Not Of It

  • 08/28/2022

We live in a time where the world bemoans divisiveness and denounces “us versus them mentality” as evil. This begs the question, if all peoples are to be unified, under which umbrella would this delusional utopia take place? For those who are demanding such an existence, the only acceptable answer is secularism. If the goal […]