In 2018, evangelicals in the reformed world decided it was finally time to slow down the social justice movement. Dubbed the “Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel,” several well-known theologians found their signatures on a document meant to target the Left. Unsurprisingly, the statement drew criticism from the intended audience. “They’re so imprecise in […]
Why isn’t common sense common? It is a simple question but one that provokes a plethora of answers. Some argue that a lack of shared experience produces this phenomenon and that proper education could get us all on the same page again. Theology-minded individuals may blame the curse of sin, along with all its rationale-reducing […]
For shorter books, it is often easier to read the entire thing through than it is to comment on it. This book was no different. After I read Choose Better: Five Biblical Models For Making Ethical Decisions, I found myself spending more time writing this article than I did reading the book. As a matter […]