This is in no way, shape, or form an advocation for violence. What I have to say are words for consideration – which I believe are necessary for every person alive, not only Americans – and nothing more.
It is common for Conservatives, Libertarians, and other Right leaning individuals to romanticize the need for a second Revolution or Civil War. “When the government gets bad enough…” “Once they have crossed the line…” “If we pass the point of no return…” I ask you: What is bad enough? Where is that line? And how will you know when is too far? With enough people discussing the possibility in earnest… are we already there? This is a question each person has to answer for themselves, but it must be answered.
This Far and No Further
The evil forces of the world push boundaries. Corruption, tyranny, and oppression probe to see how much they can get away with – one step at a time – it is their very nature to do so. It’s a slow progression so that anyone who extrapolates the result are verbally disarmed as lunatics. But they are still walking, even after ten thousand steps. Every social evil has been a gradual development, and up until this point, whining and protesting has been our response. Only now are we starting to push back – if only a little. When preparing for a fight, it is necessary to have a line. This far and no further. Plant your foot and do not move it. The reason we are where we are is because we have moved our borders of acceptance to accommodate for the demands of our enemies. Over and over again have we done this. Until we stop, until we have a precisely defined limit as to what is allowed, there will never be a change. That is the line. When it is crossed, then arms must be taken up. Before such a thing can happen, there must be an exact, precise, defined, in words, line in the sand.
What then?
The ironic reality is that the United States government has pissed off just about everybody. Republicans, Conservatives, Libertarians, and Neo-Nazis are the obvious, but even BLM, Socialists, and fully-fledged Communists are upset with the way things are. Establishment Republicans, Democrats, and the Liberals are the only happy parties, it seems. As a result, there could easily be five or six independent revolutionary armies, each who hate the others. So, what does this mean? It means that in order to establish your cause, it needs to be clear about what you are fighting against, what you are fighting for, and what the aftermath will look like. Victory without a plan leads to anarchy. The strength of the American Revolution was that there was something in place to take over, after we won, until official structures could be put in place. Whatever the desired effect of a successful revolution, do not leave it to chance. Know what you will do with the country in the aftermath.
Closing Comments
The time or need for such action may not be in my lifetime or, God forbid, my children’s lifetime, but to say it can or will never happen is foolish. When it does, the motivation must be God centered, just as with everything else. It is essential that the plan, the fight, and the reconstruction all be based in Scripture. For each individual, the call is plain. To live up to our full potential. Men, be men in the fullest extent. The film Act of Valor has a quote “Live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart.” Have no regrets. Live a noble and honorable life. Only then are you prepared for what life brings. Stand up for what is right and if that brings you to the brink – to where you are staring down the gun of another man – do so courageously. Know that you are a man your family and, more importantly, God can be proud of. Only then, while men retain principle, can any positive change influence the world. Whatever form that may take.
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