The NAE Letter – ‘Respect’ For Marriage

One day after the senators announced an amendment compromise, the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) published their letter to Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Susan Collins (R-ME), thanking them for their work. Baldwin and Collins had been instrumental in the passage of the “Respect” for Marriage Act; a bill codifying government support of homosexuality. The letter sent by the NAE president expressed gratitude in the Senators’ inclusion of “commonsense provisions”, praising the politicians for “defending the rights of all Americans.” The letter re-iterated that the traditional understanding of marriage was “decent and honorable, deserving of respect under the law, rather than being equated with those who espouse racism and bigotry“. It’s not entirely clear why the president of the NAE thinks bigots are undeserving of respect under the law, but that’s probably a question for another time.