Previously discussed was the similarity between both the Church and the State, as well as the groundwork for the field in which they each operate. The following will be the application where theory is put into practice.
The Struggles of Our Day
There have been a few similarities among countries prior to adopting Fascism. One such commonality is a degenerate society. Given that each leader subsequently worked to create a more moral country, the alignment between Fascism and Church overlaps. They have a common purpose in this regard. For the sake of posterity, I have decided to write a few words concerning the moral shortcomings we currently face.

Political commentator and comedian, Steven Crowder, has often said that the Left has, over a short period of time, migrated absurdly farther to the left, and the Right has moved a little (in comparison) to the left. It requires an active attempt to not witness the degree in which this has happened. The absolute devouring of society by liberal ideology is so complete that even the main body of Conservatism has, to a degree, been seduced.
“There did exist, it is true, the so-called ‘historic right’, but it barely held itself upright and lacked the necessary courage to reach the roots of the evils that it should have opposed…”
Julius Evola, Fascism Viewed From the Right
Bear in mind that this was written in 1974. The decline has continued exponentially ever since. It has gotten so bad, in fact, that Liberalism has become the default position, and those who are not liberal are considered either extremists or hateful. The LGBT movement – which is deeply sinful, in itself – has been normalized to the point that transsexuals are given protected access to read to children in drag. Teachers have forced their underage students to adopt different “genders” at any given day at school (both with and without the parents’ knowledge),1 and the Pride parades have escalated to the degree that they are marching butt naked in front of children.8 Some who speak out against this are either escorted out or, in some cases, arrested.10
Abortion is an equally abominable act that is commonplace, not only in the United States, but also around the world (an average of 73 million abortions are conducted globally).11 Since the start of 2023, approximately 1,995,000 babies have been aborted and counting.12
The current US policy with regards to illegal immigration is unbridled free for all. Our borders, essentially, do not exist – let alone enforced. The problem with this is compounded by two main factors. The first is that the result is a deteriation of Western Civilization due to the injection of foreign cultures that are, in some cases, incompatible with ours. The second issue is the number of illegal immigrants that consider themselves Christian. With so few self-identified Christians entering our Country, the result is inevitably the decline of Christian influence and any attempt to protect Christianity is deemed hateful and bigoted.
The exponential increase in support of Communism is also fearful. To think that an entire generation would champion an ideology with the expressed purpose to destroy the family, religion, private property, and to instill an exclusively centralized international banking system sends shivers down my spine.
The result of many of these issues, ultimately comes down to Atheism. When there is no belief in God, there is no belief in a source for morality. At the very least, not a common source.
In his book, Fascism Viewed From The Right, the current “Right,” according to Evola, was defined by it’s opposition to the “Left”, instead of what it should be, with its own established beliefs; that is a party that allows criticism of the State without questioning the idea of the State.
“…there does not exist in Italy today a Right worthy of this name, a Right as a unified political force that is organized and furnished with a precise doctrine. What is currently called the Right in political struggles is defined less by a positive content than by a generic opposition to the most extreme forms of subversion and social revolution that gravitate around Marxism and Communism.”
Julius Evola, Fascism Viewed From the Right
This defines Conservatism to the letter. Long considered to be the Traditionalists of the Right, they have done nothing to prevent the constant march of the Left, but have, in fact, adopted the general principles, speaking out only against the current extremes that will likely, within ten years, be coopted into “Conservative” values. Truth be told, this is inevitable, as the very nature of conservative politics is to do nothing. The Republican Party, at large, is a long lost cause and was corrupted well before my lifetime. The present state of the Right, as it is, is a jumble of smaller groups running around with no true direction. Consequently, there is no solid defense against Liberalism.
Anti-White sentiments are not new. What is new, however, is legal support of Anti-White policy.13 While it is acceptable to advocate violence towards White people and high profile individuals are openly acknowledging and promoting the White Replacement Theory, it is considered racist and violent to be content or – heaven forbid – proud of ones ethnicity if they are White. My purpose here is not to say that White people are superior, simply that societies hatred towards them taking form in political action is wicked. These policies, while certainly more prevalent, are not reserved exclusively to Left leaning parties.
The present federal political officials, also, are actively engaging in Treason. This takes form in accepting bribes from foreign governments, engaging in shady deals with foreign companies, opening our borders for passive invaders to waltz in, and passing legislation and budgetary policy that benefits the governments of other nations at the expense of the American people.
Despite how much the atheists, liberals, and the rest like to preach that all Christians are the same bigoted and racist deplorables, the Church is just as fragmented as political opponents. Christians and churches have, more and more, appeased the very people who despise them and prostrated themselves before the idols and false teachers of liberalism.
The very Gospel, itself, is being perverted. Emotions are being confused for the Holy Spirit opening up a “Feel Good” “Christianity”. Long under the criticism of Christians and churches around the world, Wealth Gospel churches are still alive and well – much to my dismay.
One such decline is in the acceptance of LGBT lifestyles by churches and denominations. For example, there are now trans pastors, a large population of openly Gay Christians, and churches that allow homo-erotic dancing during the service. Jesus moves towards sinners, but says to “go and sin no more.” It is disheartening to see those proclaiming to be believers encouraging people in their sin. The issue of abortion, also, is not limited to politics. Churches argue amongst themselves on the issue.
The Unlikely Savior
Evidently, last years beacons which provided refuge for those who championed traditional and Biblical values are beginning to fail us. Few right leaning platforms that merit praise or are friendly towards the Church, remain. The Republican Party deserves no attempt to reclaim. Libertarians are either anarchists or moderate liberals that do not believe morality has any right to be universally applied. And the Conservatives, are now beginning to brag about their acceptance of the LGBT community and mass immigration. The platforms, themselves, are well and good, but incapable of making any change. The two latter, according to their nature, do nothing as they promote small federal and state institutions and grant the individual constitutional authority to govern their own lives as seen fit. This is a noble and ideal system if the people were capable of living accordingly.
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
John Adams
It is painfully obvious that we, as a whole, are anything but a moral and religious people. As a result, Libertarians and Conservatives are incapable of any change by means of their political weaponry. Attempting to reestablish a conservative Constitutional Republic, then, introduces a dilemma. If self-government is the law of the land, what prevents the moral degeneration from returning us to the state in which we currently find ourselves? That is assuming, of course, that conservatism is capable of bringing us out of it now. As noted by Robert Lewis Dabney, theologian and Confederate officer14 “American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader.” Once a country is no longer what it once was, a pacifist political worldview cannot return it to its origin; that requires a proactive approach. This was precisely the case in Europe during the mid 20th century. Julius Evola brought specific attention to Italy in his book Fascism Viewed From the Right. Italian Fascism began as a grassroots movement with the support of Nationalists and veterans of The Great War who saw the deplorable state of their country and understood that something needed to be done to reclaim their identity and fight back against the antagonistic forces that had brought Italy to her current predicament. With all other available means at their disposal expressing impotence, they used Fascism as recourse to develop a government that actively served both the people and the mythos of the Land. As Mussolini writes in the appendix for Doctrine of Fascism, “In point of fact Italian Fascism has not only been a political revolt against weak and incapable governments who had allowed State authority to decay and were threatening to arrest the progress of the country, but also a spiritual revolt against old ideas which had corrupted the sacred principles of religion, of faith, of country.” A certain amount of strict and rigid government is necessary to ensure the philosophy of a people is ensured. If there is no means of achieving the goal, it is nothing more than wishful thinking. A system capable of correcting the path is essential and as things are, nothing short of political force can get the job done. Desperate times calls for desperate measures. One of Evola’s main praises for Fascism, was its usefulness as such a corrective measure. After all, the entire purpose of the formation of Fascist States is to resist the spread of communism and liberalism. This does not grant the government unbridled authority. Such a response would be devastating. “Exactly because it is strong, it does not need to resort to mechanical centralizing, which is required only when it is necessary to reign in a shapeless and atomistic mass of individuals and wills, from which, however, disorder can never be truly eliminated, but only temporarily contained.” (Evola, Fascism Viewed From The Right) Even this, alone, would not be enough. A Fascist State is only as good as those who govern it, and they – in turn – are chosen from the people. If the people, then, are not an embodiment of Christian philosophy, the entire system does us no good. And that is where a widespread reformation becomes necessary.
A mass conversion in the American Colonies during the 1700’s, known as The Great Awakening, not only instilled Christian values and principles throughout the land, but prepared the people for the Revolution to come and set the stage for the men who would take up arms and eventually write the founding documents. Such an awakening is needed now in order to save what is left while there is still time and return to what we were and ought to be. Naturally, this cannot come from the State. Any change of this kind must stem from the Church. Sadly, as mentioned before, the church is in a very sad state which requires rejuvenation, and must, itself, be reformed.
The irony, is that Classically Conservative Christians have expressed their aversion to Fascism because of it’s invasion of private and individual authorities. Evola observed in Post-Fascist Italy, which at that time had become a democracy, that the state had become more invasive while democratic than it had while Fascist. (Fascism Viewed From The Right)
Theological Compatibility
Mussolini, while he most certainly did not dismiss God, did not acknowledge God to be God. At least, not in the way that is required by Christendom. Instead, God’s existence, as he depicts in his writing, was in line with the heroism and grand mythology that is embraced by Fascism. This does not diminish the way in which his government and the Church complimented one another, only that the purpose was not to uplift Christ as is the purpose of the Church. Granted the Church and the State are two separate entities and serve two separate purposes. Regardless, both, are required to declare allegiance to God. Government is established by God as an earthly authority, but it is not THE authority. Corruption begins when the State denies His ultimate authority – as all people must.
11 kings of the earth and all nations,
you princes and all rulers on earth,
12 young men and women,
old men and children.13 Let them praise the name of the Lord,
for his name alone is exalted;
his splendor is above the earth and the heavens.
14 And he has raised up for his people a horn,
the praise of all his faithful servants,
of Israel, the people close to his heart.Praise the Lord.
Psalm 148:11-14
It must be noted, too, that, as I draw much from Evola with regards to Fascism as an ideology, he was no Christian, and so his words are not Gospel as it relates to how a Christian ought to view such an ideology. In fact, Evola, as did Darre in Germany, viewed Christianity (Catholicism and Evangelicalism) to be antithetical to Fascism with their egalitarian and democratic teachings. The feeling is often reciprocated. Many theologians oppose Fascism and consider it to be completely antithetical to scripture. This is not to say that all Church officials denounced Fascism, as some fully embraced it’s adoption, and some of the most well known Fascists were – if not Christian – moral deists. As stated before, one common attribute that has existed in each country which adopted Fascism is that of moral degeneracy and social decay. Both Hitler and Mussolini spoke about morality, the need to reestablish a moral people, and used the power of the government, granted by the Fascist system, to encourage a wholesome and spiritual people, which led to a natural purge of the degeneracy that gripped their country. From the perspective of the Church, how can this be seen as a negative? The Christian response is, of course, that all morality and truth comes from God, not the collective will that makes up the State. Nor does moral living stem from civil demands, but a reformed heart. Supposing, however, the collective will and true nature of a people was decidedly biblical – and would be reflected by the State – then such a political philosophy might be plausible. In many discussions I have had and heard, the argument most often made is that a strict Christian government isn’t fair to the non-Christians. What of it? This argument can only be made from the foundation of ego and subjectivity. For what is unfair in applying Truth and Divine morality? There is no excuse to not establish a Godly government. Jesus is King and ruler over all earthly kings, regardless of time or place.15 As Pastor Adam Robles puts it, should a Father not keep Christian traditions in his household even if one or more members do not call themselves Christian?16
It is, of course, true that conformity comes from the heart, not force; at the same time, sin must be opposed by Christians, and Biblical laws must be upheld. Pastor Douglas Wilson, a man whom I have great respect for and look up to on Theological Doctrine, is no fan of Fascism, and has argued that creating a “top down” Christian Fascist State would backfire and blow up in our face. The answer, instead, is to look towards another Great Awakening and pray for a renewal in this way. This is sound reasoning to an extent and I agree in principle. That said, while a new Great Awakening is essential for Western survival in any case, should we not do what we can in the meantime? To return to an issue I wrote on in Part One, if a Church Denomination were to go off the rails, would it be best to reintroduce them to scriptures, hope for the best, and wait? Or to reaffirm their core doctrine and force the issue?
Rushdoony, also a staunch opponent to Fascism, takes a rather unique perspective on the dichotomy of Church and State. He speaks very clearly and vehemently in his book Politics of Guilt and Pity that the State – being God’s authority on earth – has the distinct responsibility and obligation to carry out His laws on it’s citizens. At the same time, Rushdoony is adamant that, by no means, is the State to encroach on the freedom that is found in life in Christ which is commanded by scripture. The dividing line here will move according to who you ask, but when discussing the cooperation centered relationship between the Church and the State, this line must first be found and properly defined before any practical application can take place. In any case, it is good to always consider the length of the governments arm. Mussolini wrote in Doctrine of Fascism that “It [Fascism] has curtailed useless or harmful liberties while preserving those which are essential. In such matters the individual cannot be the judge, but the state only.” While immediately this is a worrisome statement, and rightly so, this does not mean that all “liberties” that will be removed are proper liberties, at all. Soviet film director, and devout Orthodox Christian, Andrei Tarkovsky mentioned in his book “Sculpting in Time” about his time spent in the West. In this section, he questioned our obsession with the idea of Freedom, asking such questions as “freedom to commit suicide?” This may seem a strange question, but it brings to light the importance of knowing what freedom is. If not anarchy, then where do we draw the line? How are the spheres of authority between civil, church, and family or individual to be defined? Neither, however, should we assume that the question of which liberties will be removed or remain will always be accurately assessed. Accordingly, we must ask who should be the judge of such things.
For this reason, Conservative Christians have always opposed any form of big or authoritarian government because of human nature. They understand that whatever power a leader is given will be taken advantage of sometime, somewhere, by someone. Darre, in his book A New Nobility of Blood and Soil, addresses this issue by providing a system of nobility with checks and balances to counter any power-hungry family, while also ensuring that the nobility is comprised of exclusively moral ones. Additionally, John Calvin, in his Institutes of Christian Living, writes briefly on the topic of politics. He addresses many issues and points of discussion to take into account, but of all the governments, he was partial towards Aristocracy, or some version of it, pointing to the Twelve Tribes of Israel as founded by God. Through this form of government, authority can be processed without the bureaucracy found in democracy – which Calvin says would be impossible for a man to sit and watch deliberations – and, also, without the tyranny easily found in Monarchy. Ultimately, his position is this: whichever form a government takes, it is the Christians duty to obey (within reason of God’s law) not attempting to change it, and for the magistrate to not allow liberty to fall away. Along these lines, another issue Evola takes with Fascism is its lack of definition. He accuses Mussolini of being too vague and ambiguous about the religious spirit and morality of the State. And this, again, is one area where the Church can answer. If the State is in tune with the Scriptures, then there would be no ambiguity. It is a question of the sacred and the secular.
Julius Evola addresses the condemnation of Fascism, that its purpose is to take over, or “usurp”, the domain of the Church – which is sacred. (Evola, Fascism Viewed From The Right) His response is that the assumption begins with the belief that there is no overlap. That there is no ethical or spiritual decrees which govern the State, and at the same time, suggests that there is limited, if even at all, any, material reality to that which is sacred or spiritual. He does, in fact, decry the fact that Fascists never pressed the issue. It is as if he is saying, “I wish we were taking over the role of the Church to the extent that they claim we are.” The source of this divide, as he observes, is the command “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.”17 Paul, also, writes about dual citizenship and that we owe allegiance to God above all, but also to our nation. However, I would respond that the two are not mutually exclusive. Throughout the Old Testament the people of Israel were blessed with good fortune when they were obedient and cursed when they were not. This remained true after they were ruled by kings. God, being creator and ruler of the whole world and not just over His people, applied the same general principles to pagan kings and emperors. Daniel 2 makes it clear that no earthly kingdom is eternal, but God is pleased to allow Nebuchadnezzar to prosper for as long as he acknowledges God. Twice, following signs of His might, he worships the Lord before he is made as the beasts, after which he praises God for a third time upon being made human-like, again. His son, too, is dethroned when he misuses the holy vessels. The question isn’t if you serve God or the State, but rather, how you prioritize your obedience.
Church and State: Application
According to Evola, the ideal king embodies both the physical and spiritual – the priest and the warrior. What better form of government embodies this vision than Fascism? Discussing Evola’s view of Fascism, E. Christian Kopff writes in the introduction to Fascism Viewed From The Right that, “A strong central state creates a nation and its people, not vice verse.” If Creating a nation according to principles this makes sense. Given that people are apt to change, it is important to preserve the objective. ie. in the case of a government, a constitution, or in the case of faith and the Church, a Bible and Catechism. Any organized association requires unmoving laws and principles. Alternatively, in his book Case for Christian Nationalism, Stephen Wolfe argues that a nation and people are formed through a common history and experience more than they are a common government. Our own present times is a strong indicator of this. The United States is a very divided country despite have a single Federal governing body. Darre wanted the Nobility to be the embodiment of morality and culture, and to then imbue the rest of the country with those principles through osmosis. Darre’s vision was to maintain culture and morality in a strict agriculture-based nobility. In much the same way, the Church must regain its purity and authenticity. When this happens, Evangelism must spread and heal the country.
Amidst the talk of “culture war” what does the path to victory look like for the Christian? On a civil/political level, Fascism without the Church is a losing proposal. The Church without, at least, elements of Fascism is unsustainable – if it is capable of obtaining any meaningful political influence, at all. “Most importantly, if God is sovereign, the State – the Government – cannot be religiously neutral.” (Steve Wilkins, A History of Calvinism in America, Ep 1)
When looking to see how we might apply our Christian beliefs to a Fascist government, we only need to look to history. There are five countries, in particular, that I would like to discuss in two categories. One is pre-Fascist, where the ideology was not the ruling party, but there was support. And the second is, of course, Fascist, where the countries were under Fascist rule. First however, I would like to discuss,
The United States
Of course, the United States has never been a Fascist country, but the idea of Church and State – and their relationship to one another – is very prevalent within our history. Church and State is a phrase that has been used many times since the late 18th century; primarily in recent years, its use is to remove any attempt to promote religion within the equation. What did Jefferson mean when he advocated for their separation? Given his particular affiliation towards Humanism, it is hard to say whether or not his intent was truly what is claimed today. What is known, however, that among his peers, the idea was by no means to remove God from the authority of the State. Just as the Church is in submission to God, so too, must be the government, as with every other individual or organization. Both have their own separate realms of authority, but both must kneel before the authority of Almighty God. This fact was never in dispute among America’s founding fathers. This issue is discussed with great detail in the lecture series “History of Calvinism in America.” (available on Canon+)
The very first political document written by the men who established the colonies that would eventually become the United States of America, was The Mayflower Proclamation. In it, the gentlemen, not only vowed to form a bond to each other, but also, and more importantly, vowed that they would build a community in honor and service to God. Say what you will about the beliefs of whoever followed and those who worship secularism today, that was the purpose. The United States of America was founded on these principles. Separation of Church and State was not what it is claimed, now, to be. The Church and the Civil authorities are separate in terms of the scope of their jurisdiction, but it is also essential that they cooperate to form a unified, Godly nation. John Cotton, in fact, advocated for a Theocracy, arguing that it is the only acceptable form of government. How would that look in action, if not with elements of Fascism?
Although, also, never fully Fascist, Canada has been the birthplace of several notable advocates for the ideology. One such individual was Adrien Arcand. Adrian, in addition to being Fascist, was also a Catholic. In the book “Serviam”, he writes “At every stage, Fascism demands that instruction and education be confessional. Fascism recognizes that religion is the agent, guardian and interpreter of morality. The constitution of Potsdam defines Fascism concisely as the first defender and supporter of religion. Fascism entirely repudiates the dream of the divine man and the paradise on earth, a dream spawned by the 1789 Revolution, and it will impose a return to the principles of a truer Christian tradition.”
If not a Fascist, himself, Karl Lueger was certainly a precursor, and admired by those who were. Lueger was mayor of Vienna, Austria from 1895 to 1910 and is publicly praised for improving both the conditions of the city and the living quality of the citizens. The name of his party was The Christian Social Party. Naturally, the focus of the State and social action originated from a desire to promote Christian doctrine in practical life and political action. The party was comprised, predominantly, of lower-middle class workers, agriculturalists, and clergy.
Christianity and Conservatism were instrumental in the formation of many Fascist countries including, Greece, Romania, and Hungary.18 The two main attractions are, of course, Italy and Germany.
As mentioned in previous sections, Mussolini’s idea on the question of what it means to be Italian includes many facets, not least of which is being Catholic. “The Fascist State is not indifferent to religious phenomena in general nor does it maintain an attitude of indifference to Roman Catholicism, the special, positive religion of Italians. The State has not got a theology but it has a moral code. The Fascist State sees in religion one of the deepest of spiritual manifestations and for this reason it not only respects religion but defends and protects it.” (Doctrine of Fascism) In a speech to the Chamber of Deputies, he said, “The Fascist State claims its ethical character: it is Catholic but above all it is Fascist, in fact it is exclusively and essentially Fascist. Catholicism completes Fascism, and this we openly declare, but let no one think they can turn the tables on us, under cover of metaphysics or philosophy” (May 13, 1929). Upon attaining his position of leadership, Mussolini and Pope Pius formed a pact. Each had an aversion to communism and democracy, and so they worked together to keep them at bay by assisting one another in securing their individual spheres of authority. The Pope would offer his support for “Il Duce” and Mussolini would return stolen authority to the Church and “enforce Catholic morality”. It wasn’t until Italy and Germany formed allegiances that the Pope had reason for misgivings about the agreement over Germany’s ethnic policies.21
The relationship between Germany and Christianity is a very unique and fascinating one. At the time, beginning centuries earlier, Germany was a staunchly Christian nation – rivaling the devotion found in early America. Theological influence in the forming and early application of the Third Reich is undeniable. This is made evident in political pamphlets, speeches, and books such as “Positive Christianity in the Third Reich”22 by theologian, Cajus Fabricius. Hitler also writes about how he was inspired by the Christian leadership of Karl Lueger, in Mein Kampf, and would on occasion end his speeches with prayer submitting himself and the party before God. Prior to Hitler’s election, Germany was swamped in the Weimar Republic, which was not only economically one of the worst situations a country has ever been in, but was also fertilizer for degeneracy and wickedness. Hitler and the Third Reich, along with their Christian convictions, were able to turn Germany around and become a force to be reckoned with, both economically and spiritually. The people were taken out of their slump and reinvigorated with life and removed grossly sinful literature from public society. So what happened? There are assuredly many issues that played a role. The attempt to achieve ethnic purity, for one, became an obsession. Policies and practices such as eugenics stand in contrast with Biblical teaching and likely aided in uprooting him from his Christian foundation. Certain doctrines in Positive Christianity (which was the general faith of the party, although not mandatory), also, were not – strictly speaking – Orthodox. It is no surprise, then, that the rift would inevitably lead to an internal spiritual conflict and eventual deterioration. Although Hitler, personally, detached himself from the pagan history of Germany, there were those in the party that were interested in bringing back elements of it and also conducted research into the occult. This, too, must have done harm.
Despite what some have said, hopefully it has been made clear that Fascism does not necessitate Racial or ethnic policy, in the same way that Ethnic Nationalism is not the only form of Nationalism. The two are separate issues. So this then leaves us with the question: could the United States become a Fascist country? Should we? What would that look like? Frankly, it is not likely. Our version of Fascism would be sliding a little in that direction on the scale without going all the way – which I believe to be the appropriate action. With where we are as a country now, taking even only one step again to the Right would appear Fascist. Supposing, too, that a return to a Constitutional Republic is the end goal, how can that be accomplished? And, with or without another Awakening, are Fascist measures necessary to do so? It seems likely. In short – for good or bad – a Christian, pseudo-Fascist America could work, but a lot of things would have to fall into place.
“It is surely not the duty of thinkers to settle economic and political contentions by ineffective appeals to the universal brotherhood of man; but it is rather their duty to compose mental differences and antagonisms, and thus form a new faith of humanity – a new Christianity or a new Humanism, as we may wish to call it. Such a faith will certainly not be spared the conflicts from which ancient Christianity itself was not free; but it may reasonably be hoped that it will rescue us from intellectual anarchy, from unbridled individualism, from sensualism, from scepticism, from pessimism, from every aberration which for a century and a half has been harassing the soul of man and the society of mankind under the name of Romanticism.”
Benedetto Croce (‘Reform of Education’ [Giovanni Gentile], Introduction)
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