The Frankfurt Declaration (1970)

This is the 1970 Frankfurt Declaration (there are multiple), written in response to the trending liberalism of the World Council of Churches (WCC). The liberal-leaning WCC had been advocating for a expanded understanding of Christianity for some time, and focused on missionary work as a social good for all cultures. It became clear to the writers of this Frankfurt declaration that the fundamental message of the gospel was getting lost in this worldly process. The focus of this document was to return evangelicals to a biblical understanding of missionary work, centering the theology on God instead of man.

The times have changed, but the issues have not. There are still church leaders today who believe that the purpose of the great commission is to make a utopia on earth. Christians should not be surprised by the return of these claims (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Instead, we should remember the arguments against this pseudo-Christianity and combat false doctrine whenever it arises again.