Browsing: Book Reviews

Good or bad, these are book reviews. Words have meanings, and sometimes you need more words than the words in the book.

  • Choose Better: A Critical Review

  • 05/06/2024

For shorter books, it is often easier to read the entire thing through than it is to comment on it. This book was no different. After I read Choose Better: Five Biblical Models For Making Ethical Decisions, I found myself spending more time writing this article than I did reading the book. As a matter […]

  • Biblical Critical Theory: [Review]

  • 04/04/2023

To start, I want to acknowledge the two groups of people who may be reading this review. In the first group, I am sure quite a few people have automatically dismissed this book based on the subject. In the second group, I am also quite sure that some people saw the name Tim Keller on […]

  • Kevin DeYoung: The Case For A Christian Sensibility

  • 02/07/2023

Political topics change fast. Political opinions can change even faster. Finding a commentator that is able to consistently see the big picture is nearly impossible. There are some men who can appear to be right, even prophetic, yet fail to see the larger perspective. This phenomenon is most obvious when a commentator asks good questions, […]

  • The New Nobility of Blood and Soil: [Review]

  • 10/21/2022

A New Nobility of Blood and Soil was immensely influential on the National Socialists of Germany and their policies. The very year this book was released, in 1930, Darre was approached by Hitler and became a member of the NSDAP and would later act as its first Minister of Food and Agriculture. It is not […]

  • Christian Nationalism: [Review]

  • 09/10/2022

If you are unfamiliar with Andrew Torba, you will likely not understand some elements of this book. The first google search result for “Andrew Torba” gives you this; an article from the Jewsish Anti-Defamation League accusing Torba of rampant anti-semitism, misinformation, right-wing extremism, and hateful dispositions to minorities. While there are some elements of the […]

  • No Apologies – Why Civilization Depends on the Strength of Men

  • 09/05/2022

In this book, Anthony Esolen discusses the innate nature of men and women and how their unique virtues complement each other. Focusing, primarily, on the masculine perspective, he writes about their duties to each other and to society. Speaking of civilizations need for strong men, he outlines how the lack there-of inevitably leads to the […]

  • Gentle and Lowly: [Review]

  • 05/17/2022

I don’t plan on doing too many book reviews. However, this one felt inescapable. I was given a copy of “Gentle and Lowly” by Dane Ortlund by my church. I have no idea if the intention is to work through it, but I will definitely not be participating. I have found the book to be […]